[Event Recap] WBG-SECO Knowledge Exchange Series: Data and Information for Sovereign Disaster Risk Financing | Webinar #7

Feb 17

On February 10, 2021, in partnership with Switzerland's State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), the World Bank Group's (WBG) Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance Program (DRFIP) hosted the 7th session of the Knowledge Exchange Series. The session focused on the Data and Information for Sovereign Disaster Risk Financing. The series is a continuation, in virtual formats, of traditional knowledge exchange events that take place every two years to empower countries under the program through sharing their experience and knowledge in building financial resilience.   

The webinar commenced with opening remarks from Djibrilla Adamou Issa (Practice Manager, Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation [FCI] Global Practice, Middle East North Africa [MENA], WBG). Antoine Bavandi (Senior Financial Sector Specialist, FCI Global Practice, Crisis and Disaster Risk Finance [CDRF], WBG) delivered the framing presentation that introduced why data and analytics are important and provided examples from Morocco and the Philippines. Dragana Gođevac Obradović (Acting Assistant to the Director, Property Directorate, Government of the Republic of Serbia), Jaweher Ben Amor (General Director, Budget Monitoring, Ministry of Finance and a Member of the General Committee of State Budget Administration, Republic of Tunisia), and Imène Hamila (General Director, Department of Studies, Regulation and Development [insurance sector], Tunisian Insurance Authority and Senior Insurance Supervisor, Insurance General Committee of Tunisia) shared country experiences from Serbia and Tunisia about using data and information for sovereign disaster risk finance. 

The webinar was jointly facilitated by Samantha Cook (Senior Financial Sector Specialist, CDRF, FCI Global Practice, WBG) and Tatiana Skalon (Financial Sector Specialist, CDRF, FCI Global Practice, WBG). It featured a live poll function to interact with the audience. Over 120 participants from client countries, international organizations, private sector companies, non-governmental organizations, and academia attended the event.   

This Knowledge Exchange Series comprises 8 virtual sessions with complementary Fact Sheets and offers certificates to successful participants. Each session is promoted with a captivating teaser video and offers simultaneous interpretation services. 

  • To watch a teaser video for the Session 7 of the Knowledge Exchange Series, click here.  
  • To review Fact Sheet#7 and Presentation slides, click here and here.   
  • To recap the session, watch the recording here (AlbanianEnglish , and French). 
  • To access the post-event resource webpage, click here.